
更新时间:2024-08-23 16:59

伯纳德·希尔(Bernard Hill,1944年12月1日-2024年5月5日),男,生于英国英格兰曼彻斯特,英国演员。





希尔自1975年起投身于演艺界,曾饰演过《泰坦尼克号》中的爱德华·约翰·史密斯船长、《指环王》中的洛汗国国王希优顿和《迫切的任务》中的圣·昆汀监狱的看守。也正因为这两部作品,伯纳德·希尔成为影史唯一一位参与两部赢得十座奥斯卡小金人的演员。在希尔的职业生涯中,他共出演了 140 多部电影、电视剧和节目。

2024年5月5日,参演的电视剧《应急响应 第二季》播出。



西线无战事All Quiet on the Western Front (2012)

Jericho's Walls Are Falling ------- (2009)

Billy Goat ------- (2008)

The Crumblegiant ------- (2007)

拯救希望天使Save Angel Hope ------- (2007)

30 Greatest Political Comedies ------- (2006)

Cruel Sea: The Penlee Disaster ------- (2006)

No Go: The Free Derry Story ------- (2006)

Ocean Odyssey ------- (2006)

战火集结/快乐分割 Joy Division ------- (2006)

A Very Social Secretary ------- (2005)

Sueño de una noche de San Juan, El ------- (2005)

Du kommst nicht vorbei - Fans im Bann des Ringes ------- (2005)

Heatwave ------- (2005)

The Last Tommy ------- (2005)

The Deal ------- (2004)

Raphael: A Mortal God ------- (2004)

Double Helix: The DNA Years ------- (2004)

See You in the Future... ------- (2004)

温布尔登/情定温布尔登/球恋大满冠Wimbledon ------- (2004)

Ringens disipler ------- (2004)

Ring*Con 2004 ------- (2004)

See You in the Future... ------- (2004)

2003年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2003 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2003)

鬼影人/哥西卡/鬼兆Gothika ------- (2003)

克莱尔郡男孩 The Boys from County Clare ------- (2003)

Ken Dodd in the Dock ------- (2002)

The 100 Greatest TV Characters ------- (2001)

Scenes by the Sea: Takeshi Kitano ------- (2000)

Blessed Art Thou ------- (2000)

Eisenstein ------- (2000)

Going Off Big Time ------- (2000)

仲夏夜之梦A Midsummer Night's Dream ------- (1999)

迫切的任务True Crime ------- (1999)

迷失禁果The Loss of Sexual Innocence ------- (1999)

新孤星血泪 Great Expectations ------- (1999)

The Criminal ------- (1999)

The Titanic Chronicles ------- (1999)

Titanic: Secrets Revealed ------- (1998)

Titanic: Breaking New Ground ------- (1998)

The Death Train ------- (1998)

弗洛斯河上的磨坊The Mill on the Floss ------- (1997)

鼠头鼠脑 The Wind in the Willows ------- (1996)

黑夜幽灵The Ghost and the Darkness

暗夜幽灵/暗夜猎杀/魔鬼与黑暗/黑色幽灵------- (1996)

Gambling Man ------- (1995)

Madagascar Skin ------- (1995)

Skallagrigg ------- (1994)

毒品与艺术Drug-Taking and the Arts ------- (1994)

Dirtysomething ------- (1993)

Shepherd on the Rock ------- (1993)

这个杀手不太冷Double X: The Name of the Game ------- (1992)

莎士比亚名剧动画 Shakespeare: The Animated Tales ------- (1992)

The Law Lord ------- (1991)

尼罗河之旅Mountains of the Moon ------- (1990)

第二春Shirley Valentine ------- (1989)

淹死老公/挨个儿淹死Drowning by Numbers

淹没在数字中------- (1988)

Bellmanand True ------- (1987)

Milwr Bychan ------- (1986)

Samson and Delilah ------- (1985)

Restless Natives ------- (1985)

不妥协No Surrender ------- (1985)

Squaring the Circle ------- (1984)

The Chain ------- (1984)

Antigone ------- (1984)

Henry VI, Part One ------- (1983)

The Tragedy of Richard the Third ------- (1983)

Runners ------- (1983)

Henry VI, Part Two ------- (1983)

Henry VI, Part Three ------- (1983)

The Black Stuff ------- (1980)

The Sailor's Return ------- (1978)


Trial by Combat ------- (1976)

It Could Happen to You ------- (1975)




目录 22
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